Acting Coach
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Find Your Authentic Voice In Every Role!
Work with a coach who has auditioned thousands of actors and get the skillset to book the room on Zoom, on Tape or In-Person.

"Every actor is a unique individual with a history and a path that is theirs only. That individuality is what casting directors look for. I guide and collaborate with my clients, because good coaching is not a dictatorship that forces a one size fits all ‘method’."
Karen Maseng began her career as an actress in Los Angeles. Not long after she co-produced and
co-starred on stage in Eastern Standard starring Bryan Cranston, she met Melissa Martin on the set of a commercial they both starred in. Melissa went on to become one of LA's top casting directors, while Karen's love of the acting process led her to running camera and directing actors in casting sessions. She worked as a session director for years with many casting directors, eventually working exclusively with Melissa Martin. When Melissa passed away unexpectedly, Karen took over her casting company.
Several years later she formed Pogo Casting with the goal of catering to discerning clients who demanded a casting director who was deeply involved in every aspect of the casting process. Her years of directing and coaching actors through their auditions, gave her a perspective directors truly appreciated.
Teaching is her way of giving back. As the audition process evolved and transitioned to Virtual Auditions and Self-Tapes, Karen came to realize that One-on-One Coaching gives her the ability to focus on each actor’s individual needs in a way that classes never could. Bringing an actor's experiences and truth to the role is crucial in a field that is incredibly competitive. Most actors worry too much about what they think the casting director wants, losing their natural creativity and the freedom to use their unique authenticity in the audition. Casting directors, producers and directors are looking for actors who can insert themselves into the character. Having a coach who has auditioned actors for over twenty years and has worked with numerous directors, gives Karen’s clients an insider's advantage on the casting process, and the edge they need to take their career to the next level.