Rejection is an important part of most everyone’s path in life, and given the right tools it can strengthen your resolve, toughen you up and force you to think outside the box. Scientists and entrepreneurs see it as part of the process, but sadly many actors take rejection personally and make the terrible mistake of tying their self-worth to it.
There are actors who are lucky enough to achieve success early, but many others may see a decade or more go by before their careers take off. During that challenging journey, there will be humbling times when you’ll have to take jobs to support yourself. On this marathon you’ll come across people with an inflated sense of their own importance, who will take great pleasure in finding creative ways to tell you that you’ll never succeed.

Some talent agents, producers, directors, casting directors, critics, not to mention family and friends, can be incredibly supportive. Others can be tough but fair, trying to prepare you for what's ahead. And then there are those who seem to enjoy being cruel and dismissive. There are many reasons why people have a need to crush others' dreams, and none of them have anything to do with you or your talent. They could be a reflection of their own unfulfilled dreams, their rage or their own unprocessed traumatizing experiences. There are also people who can only feel powerful by putting other people down.
Any time you feel hopeless, when your confidence is shaken, when you feel like you'll never make it or when you find yourself doubting your talent, head over to my Instagram page which is filled with stories of famous actors who did make it, in-spite of being told in many hurtful ways that they had absolutely no chance of making it as an actor.
It can be really tough to focus on your lane and not worry about what other people say to you or about you. Incorporate words into your daily routine that will strengthen your self-love and the belief in your dream. Look to other people's challenges to remind yourself that You Are Not Alone.
KMaseng Acting Coach
One-on-One Coaching Los Angeles Portland Seattle